Sunday, October 25, 2009

Can You Hear Me Now?

“Can you hear me now?”
The calm spokesman in the dark rimmed glasses holds a small black phone to his ear with a confident smirk. He listens and responds, “Good” as he confirms his cell phone provider’s reliability. Verizon started this slogan in 2000 to bring to light their far reaching ability in cell phone technology. However, we all have lost connection from time to time, and have learned that tapping into frequencies is a tricky business. Though annoying, we quickly excuse our petite phones for their inconsistency, for the very pleasure in knowing that most of the time there is connection and we are heard.

Genesis 21:16, brings us upon a scene of a woman who is desperate to be heard. She stumbles across the dry, rough ground and collapses across from her son as he lays dying under a small tree. Hagar’s resources had literally dried up with the heat of the dessert sun and she had never felt so alone. Little does she know as she cries bitterly, that her son with one of his last breaths, asked for help from the God of Abraham. The Lord calls down from heaven to Hagar letting her know that the voice of her son was heard in His heavenly throne room loud and clear. What relief must have filled her heart to find that they have a direct connection with the God of the universe and He hears.

Over and over the Bible reminds us that our God hears. Isaiah 59:1 “Behold the Lord’s hand is not shortened, that it cannot save, or his ear dull, that it cannot hear.” From cries of desperation to whispers of a humbled heart, our God hears. He is never too distracted, too busy, or too tired to hear from us. The noise of this world cannot interfere or limit His audible range. Though as believers, we would be remiss if we didn’t read further onto verse 2 and be aware of a ‘drop zone” that we, ourselves can create. Verse 2 says, “But your iniquities have made a separation between you and your God, and your sins have hidden his face from you so that he does not hear.” Unchecked sin in our lives can create a disconnection or spiritual ‘dead zone’.

Thankfully, Psalm 139 encourages us in steps to restore our connection, “Search me, O God, and know my heart, try me and know my thoughts and see if there be any grievous way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.” Let us allow the Lord to search our hearts, forgive us of our sins and strengthen our connectivity with Him. That we may walk in His way with humble hearts, and enjoy His unlimited coverage.. with no dropped calls.
Can you hear me now,Lord?

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Who's Rockn' the Boat?!

In 1973 songwriter Wally Holmes wrote a popular song titled “Rock the boat”. In the chorus, the singer is asking the pointed question, “So I’d like to know where you got the notion …to Rock the boat..don’t rock the boat baby, …tip the boat,… don’t tip the boat over”. The music was catchy, but I believe the lyrics sold the was relatable. We as humans, do not like our boats or lives rocked. We love smooth sailing and calm seas. It is in those times on glassy seas that we can look ahead, plan our course and set our sails. All is right in the world.

But when the breeze starts to whip and the waves begin to grow, our peace is quickly replaced with worry and dread. Our boat begins to rock and we bellow, “All hands on deck!”. We find ourselves criticizing our fumbling crew and wondering who is to blame. Who made our serene vessel lurch and sway and caused our trusty compass to spin? We cry out frantically, “Who is rocking the boat!?”

Thousands of years ago a mighty boat began to rock and pitch. A family of eight huddled in its belly. The creaking of the hull was deafening as the waters pounded the sides. Hanging onto their faith was the most secure thing that Noah and his family could do in the mist of such a colossal storm. You see, Noah and his family knew who rocked the boat.

It was a holy and loving God that rocked their boat. Through the violent waters he lifted them from the filth of a corrupt society. Through the raging currents He carried them high above the muck and mire. In all the rocking, pitching and lurching they were being saved. In 1 Peter 3:20 it tells of the “eight persons that were saved by water”, we see that the same waters that brought death to the wicked, brought life to the righteous.

Yes, God will rock the boat at times. He will cause the waters to rise, not that we drown, but that we are lifted from the dangers below. His tide moves us on and to not become complacent. To get rid of those barnacles of this world, to unleash the anchors that slow us down. To encourage us to rest deep within His hull and find our salvation and security in Him and not in ourselves. Yes, our God will rock the boat, and we can trust and know that it is good, for He is good.

“When you pass through the waters, I will be with you and through the rivers, they will shall not overwhelm you…for I am the Lord your God, the Holy One of Israel, your savior.” Isaiah 43:2,3